The SightMill NPS Blog

What's happening at SightMill - all about Net Promoter Score

Personalising your email surveys

January 2020

Personalising your customer feedback survey emails makes a big difference to the tone and style and can really improve your response rates. We support a couple of enhanced features that you might want to consider using. These are merge fields that take information from your email data list and merge it into the survey email.

What is a good survey response rate

December 2019

What's a good response rate to customer surveys? And can I improve the response rate? These are two questions we're often asked - both at the start of onboarding a new customer and after a month or two as they assess their surveys. The response rates will vary (a lot) by the format and channel that you use to send out your surveys. In this post, we're looking at our view of what to expect on responses - and our top tips to help improve your rates.

Customer satisfaction feedback works best when embedded in your workflow

November 2019

Net Promoter Score programmes work best when they are embedded in your processes and workflows. Instead of setting up an occasional survey to go out to existing customers, you should make sure you try and gather feedback at all the key points - and then automate the process. SightMill's enhanced support for webhooks helps save you time and improves consistency.

Manually enter customer contact details and feedback

October 2019

Thanks to a great suggestion from one of our customers, we have added a new feature that allows you to manually enter a new customer record, NPS score and comments. This is perfect for recording feedback during a telephone call or for telephone-based operators – either customer service, sales or support. 

The costs of customer feedback and NPS software

September 2019

Budgeting for a customer satisfaction software is not always straightforward. You know you want to achieve a better understanding of the drivers to improving customer experience, but what are the costs of different features and how can you compare products to make the right choice? Our guide helps you plan for the right buying decision when choosing NPS software.

Net Promoter Score Software Buyers Guide

August 2019

Choosing the best Net Promoter Score (NPS) software for your business is no easy task. We talk to hundreds of businesses about their requirements for customer or employee feedback systems and explain the top ten types of feature that form the decision-making process of most customers as they look to choose the best Net Promoter Score software for their needs.

View detail customer data with every survey response

July 2019

We've launched a new view in SightMill that allows you to see detailed data about your customers together with their feedback - allowing you to better understand how customer experience differs by segment, by product, region or even by sales rep.

Drive new business with your Net Promoter Score

July 2019

Tracking and calculating Net Promoter Score is often pushed into the remit of the marketing team and it’s tempting to see NPS as a customer service tool. The reality is that NPS is as much a tool of perception than it is of customer reaction. How potential customers contribute to your NPS surveys - and other online reviews for that matter - plays a significant part in whether they buy and then recommend your company, product and brand. 

How investing in customer feedback software pays off

June 2019

Are you considering customer feedback software? You know it’ll provide great, actionable feedback to improve your customer experience or help improve employee retention, but perhaps you are unsure how to justify the cost or how to determine if it’s a worthwhile investment.

NPS driving best practice customer service from Rackspace

May 2019

Security was a must-have when we chose a technology provider to manage our servers, however, one of the other key reasons we chose Rackspace is its focus on a customer-centric approach, using Net Promoter Score at the heart of its strategy. For us, it made perfect sense for an NPS software provider like SightMill to partner with an NPS-focussed company like Rackspace!