The SightMill NPS Blog

What's happening at SightMill - all about Net Promoter Score

Spread out survey emails over a of period time with our email drip campaigns

October 2018

Sometimes you want to send out an email survey to all respondents in one hit, sometimes you want to drip feed it out to respondents over a period of weeks. Now, you can do either with our new email drip campaign feature

How your NPS score affects your bottom line

Sept 2018

Most managers and business owners understand, on an intuitive level, that customer satisfaction leads to better business. When someone has a positive experience with your brand, they become a loyal customer, and they come back to repurchase from your brand again and again.

Keeping track of responses to customer feedback

August 2018

To help you track which team member has contacted your customers, we've added a couple of features that let you add a comment (for internal use only) to any customer feedback and to mark it as 'completed' if a team member has finished the follow-up.

The difference between your promoters and detractors

July 2018

Here’s the biggest mistake that business owners and customer service managers make in the context of NPS scores: they focus too much on the absolute scores, and fail to look at the bigger picture. 

Effective ways to collect feedback from your website visitors

June 2018

You’ve provided us with great feedback for new features and, as a result, I’m delighted to report that we’ve just released a couple of great new features that you’ve requested and really enhance NPS surveys on your website.

Integrating with your existing applications using SightMill webhooks support

May 2018

We've had some great feedback on our integration tools that let you connect SightMill to a wide range of CRMs, applications and systems. Our latest enhancement is to the webhooks API support.

Using alternative NPS survey designs that engage with your customers

April 2018

When you send out an email to your customers, you want to make sure that it reflects your style, your brand and the type of audience you’re talking to. It’s well worth thinking about the same points when you send out an NPS or customer satisfaction survey to your customers. 

Nurturing Organic Referrals Using Net Promoter Score

March 2018

It’s a great moment when you see that your current customers have started to promote your brand and products and nurturing these organic referrals is a pivotal step for growing your business.

Unlike traditional nurturing strategies, using the existing customer feedback (and in this case the Net Promoter Score (NPS) framework) pinpoints your audience’s interactions...

Growing Your Business Through Great Customer Service

February 2018

You’ve been focussed on establishing your business and now have regular customers, a great team who are passionate about your brand and products, and your sights set on growing to the next stage. 

A good way to accelerate is to focus everyone in your company on customer service. If you can delight your customers, you will find that they soon become your best marketing channel... 

Automatically Tag Customer Comments

November 2017

It's great to be able to release new features that really help you save time and can improve your understanding of what can help improve customer engagement. So we're delighted to launch our automated tagging feature that lets you setup rules to apply tags to customer feedback comments and verbatims. Sounds simple - and for any of our Net Promoter Score software users, it's a real time-saver!