The SightMill NPS Blog

What's happening at SightMill - all about Net Promoter Score

Using Customer Metrics for Business Growth

October 2020

Customer experience is the new battlefield. In 2020, more than two-thirds of companies say they compete primarily on customer experience - a figure that has nearly doubled over the past decade.

10 reasons why growth businesses should invest in customer experience

June 2020

Customer experience is key to the growth of successful business. We passionately believe that the focus on customer experience is essential – with research showing that companies that put this first outperform their competitors by three times. 

Using metrics and data to drive your customer marketing

May 2020

Are you making the best use of the data available to you? Right now, marketing, sales and customer service teams have access to an explosion of data sources to track that can help improve and enhance a campaign or business process and you’ve got an opportunity to look at and optimise the metrics that drive the online part of your business. 

20 marketing tools to help improve customer insight

April 2020

Your customers are the life-blood of your business and you need to understand their pain-points and needs to enable many elements of your business to work: without insight, it’s hard to engage and your campaigns will have poor response rates. Luckily, there are hundreds of software tools available that can help improve your customer insight and interactions. From identifying potential new customers through to getting feedback from existing customers.

21 Great ideas to enhance and improve your customer service

March 2020

Looking to improve your customer service offering? Here’s our list of 21 great ideas that will help you find new ways to enhance customer engagement and satisfaction. We work with many CS teams across our customer base and these discussions and meetings have helped us put together these quickfire top-tips as a starting point for your plans.

10 ideas on how to embed customer feedback in your organisation

February 2020

We spend a lot of time listening to and working with our customers to help them plan and implement great customer feedback and employee engagement systems. A common theme in many of the planning meetings is 'now what': you have a way of gathering feedback and converting into a single metric (NPS)... now how do you get the rest of the business to buy-in to the process and strategy?

The costs of customer feedback and NPS software

September 2019

Budgeting for a customer satisfaction software is not always straightforward. You know you want to achieve a better understanding of the drivers to improving customer experience, but what are the costs of different features and how can you compare products to make the right choice? Our guide helps you plan for the right buying decision when choosing NPS software.

Net Promoter Score Software Buyers Guide

August 2019

Choosing the best Net Promoter Score (NPS) software for your business is no easy task. We talk to hundreds of businesses about their requirements for customer or employee feedback systems and explain the top ten types of feature that form the decision-making process of most customers as they look to choose the best Net Promoter Score software for their needs.

Drive new business with your Net Promoter Score

July 2019

Tracking and calculating Net Promoter Score is often pushed into the remit of the marketing team and it’s tempting to see NPS as a customer service tool. The reality is that NPS is as much a tool of perception than it is of customer reaction. How potential customers contribute to your NPS surveys - and other online reviews for that matter - plays a significant part in whether they buy and then recommend your company, product and brand. 

How investing in customer feedback software pays off

June 2019

Are you considering customer feedback software? You know it’ll provide great, actionable feedback to improve your customer experience or help improve employee retention, but perhaps you are unsure how to justify the cost or how to determine if it’s a worthwhile investment.