Start Your Free Trial Now

Ask, Analyze and Act on Customer Feedback Now


Get started in minutes with easy-to-setup surveys

Gather surveys by Email, SMS, Website, and at Events

Access all our features with support for CRMs and helpdesks

SightMill makes it easy for us to listen to our users and provide the best possible experience on

Karli Hannan, Director, Sales & Customer Experience, Fastcase

I'm really impressed how SightMill makes it so easy to get real-time customer feedback via our website and after events.

Jonathan Mama, CEO, Skorch Outdoors

Start Your Free 14-Day Trial

No credit card required.
(And you don't need to be a technical expert)

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SightMill NPS software is used and trusted by great customer-focussed brands including:

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 Relx uses SightMill for Net Promoter Score skorch added SightMill NPS surveys to its website    tolley uses SightMill for Net Promoter Score feedback of events
SightMill Net Promoter Score survey dashboard


Send clear, responsive email surveys with great response rates

- Branded: send surveys from your domain name and email address, add your logo and customize look and feel.

- High response rates: using our 1-click feedback that registers customer scores without leaving their email software.

Net Promoter Score Email surveys

Add mobile-friendly NPS surveys to your website in minutes

- Quick setup: easy to install on a page of your website (or use our WordPress plugin); avoid survey-overload with display rules.

- Customized: change the text, look and feel of your web surveys; ask different follow-up questions based on scores.

Net Promoter Score Web surveys

View results in real-time or with historic analysis

- Real-time results: always up-to-date; view your latest feedback and scores in real-time from your dashboard.

- What influences customers: view historic graphs to see improvements as a result of your campaigns and actions.

NPS results analysis

Link your CRM, export data or use our trend analysis tools

- Connected: exchange data between systems; we link with 100s of products via industry-standard webhooks or Zapier.

- Your data: it's your data; import in if changing NPS platform or export out - or store securely with SightMill.

Link SightMill to your CRM, Zendesk, Salesforce