Improve customer satisfaction with CSAT surveys

Measure, track and improve customer satisfaction using CSAT surveys

Quick start to CSAT surveys with SightMill

SightMill provides pre-built templates to implement CSAT surveys in minutes by email, SMS, on your website, at events, using links or our API.

To setup your first CSAT survey follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your account
  2. Select New Project
  3. Name your Project
  4. Select CSAT as the survey type - other options include NPS and CES
  5. Click Save

Your new CSAT survey project has been setup with default templates for email, SMS and website surveys; you can start using these or customise to your requirements.

Improve customer satisfaction

To measure and improve customer satisfaction, use CSAT (Customer Satisfaction) surveys; these surveys ask a simple question where the answer is a rating between 1 and 5. The CSAT score is designed to help you understand how satisfied customers are with your products or services and generates actionable insights to help you make improvements and so improve satisfaction.

CSAT email survey

What is the CSAT score?

The CSAT score is reported on a scale of 0 to +100 (with a higher score showing more loyal customers).

What is CSAT used for?

CSAT surveys are great for understanding how satisfied a customer is with your products or services, allowing you to make changes and improvements to increase satisfaction as your customers interact with your organisation and like NPS there is a clear correlation between good customer satisfaction and the success of a business and its revenue growth.

The teams that use CSAT are often operational and include marketing, product management, sales, and customer service.

Can I combine CSAT and NPS?

Some companies combine CSAT and NPS surveys with CSAT providing operational teams with immediate feedback and NPS providing a business metric for the leadership team.

The CSAT question

The CSAT survey question asks a customer: "How satisfied were you with [company-name]?"

This one simple question has since been used as the basis of CSAT surveys and it help discover how your customers feel about a specific product or service.

CSAT helps you clearly identify customers who are satisfied and also dissatisfied and, by asking a second open question ("why did you give this score?") you can discover any problems or issues you need to fix to help improve overall satisfaction.

How is CSAT calculated?

The standard way of asking your customers for feedback is to ask one question "How satisfied were you with [company-name]?"

The customer answers by choosing a score on a scale from 1 to 5 (1 equals 'not satisfied' and 5 equals 'very satisfied').

Now ask the customer the follow-up question "Why did you give this score?"

The customer can answer with a free text comment (often called the verbatim comment).

CSAT Scoring

  1. Those scoring 1 or 2 are classed as dissatisfied
  2. Those scoring 3 are classed as neutral
  3. Those scoring 4 or 5 are classed as satisfied

The CSAT score is calculated using a simple calculation of the percentage of satisfied respondents as a pecentage of the total respondents.

If you have 50 respondents to your survey and 22 score 4 or 5 (ie are satisfied) then your CSAT score is 44%.

Delivering CSAT surveys

CSAT surveys can be delivered to your customers by email, by SMS, on your website, at an event, or entered manually whilst on a telephone call.

Specialist CSAT software helps you manage the delivery of the surveys, collect the responses, calculate the score and, most importantly, help analyse the trends and show any correlation between the score and the themes in the free text comments or particular groups of customers.

Act on CSAT feedback

To help solve customer problems and improve customer satisfaction you need to react quickly to any issues raised by CSAT surveys, allowing you to listen to your customers and communicate effectively with them that you have listened and acted on their comments.

You should look how to improve the experience of those in the dissatisfied group and move them up to being satisfied.

What can you measure using CSAT?

CSAT is particularly good for measuring customer satifaction with a specific product, service or brand. (In comparison, NPS is great for measuring the entire customer experience and CES is great for making tasks easier for a customer).You can use CSAT to measure the customer feedback about individual products, services, brands, or comparing different customer segments, different elements in a product.

Understand the themes behind CSAT scores

To help your teams resolve issues and improve customer satisfaction, you need to know the different themes mentioned by your customers in their answers and compare these to your customer segments or products.

How to use CSAT in your organisation

By using the SightMill reports you can view responses and scores by segment or product (or geography or price point) and get a clear view of what is behind any customer problems.

Start gathering customer feedback with SightMill and listen to your customers.

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Start gathering customer feedback with SightMill and listen to your customers!

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See also:

NPS - Net Promoter Score surveys

CES - Customer Effort Score surveys